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You should have mod_auth_openid installed at this point and working for some location/directory/file. It’s assumed that the default web page that allows a user to identify herself looks terrible in your opinion. So here’s how you make your own.

For information on passing along attribute exchange parameters, see AttributeExchange too.


Let’s say you want to protect the location “/supersecret” (that is, on your web server, and you want to use your own custom page for users to enter their identity.

Step 1: Determine where your page will live

The page that you create must exist outside of your protected location/directory. Other than that one rule, it can live anywhere, even on a different server. Use whatever tools/framework/language you want to generate the page. For the purposes of our example, let’s say the page will live at “/login.html”.

Step 2: Add the location to your httpd.conf

Use the AuthOpenIDLoginPage option to specify the location of your login page. This is not the location on your file system, but rather a full URL (http://…..) or the location relative to your server’s www root.

<Location /supersecret>
	AuthType			OpenID
	require valid-user
        AuthOpenIDLoginPage		/login.html

Step 3: Make your login page

It really doesn’t matter what’s on your page, either, other than a form. This form must use the “GET” method to send at least one parameter to your protected location. The one parameter that you must have is named openid_identifier. This should be the identity URL the user inputs. You may have as many additional variables as you’d like; they will be preserved throughout the authentication process. For instance:

<!-- this is -->
<h1>This is my super cool personalized login page</h1>
<form action="/supersecret" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="openid_identifier" />
  <input type="submit" value="Log In" />

Also, there is a GET parameter modauthopenid.referrer that will be sent to the custom login page that contains the original location the user requested.

Step 4: Handle errors on your login page

In the case that a user cancels the identification process or that there is an authentication error, the user will be redirected back to the login page location with a special GET parameter named modauthopenid.error (as well as any other parameters you may have added in the first place). This parameter will have one of six possible values:

You should display a message on your page based upon this response. If you do not have/know a server side language that can do this, you can use JavaScript to access the query parameters and notify the user of the reason they have been redirected back to the login page.

That’s it.