
New Job, Digs, and Deck

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There have been a few job switches over the last few months, and in continuance of that pattern I started a new job working as the webmaster for Foreign Policy Magazine.  I think I'm going to be there to stay, though.  The environment requires an insane amount of multitasking, which, incidentally, is just the way I like it.  It does mean that I have a three hour commute each day to downtown Washington DC, but two of those three hours are on a train.  I'm generally able to be productive during those times, especially since I have a MiFi device giving me access to the tubes wherever I am.  The

I also moved to a new apartment - this time in Bolton Hill.  It's a little on the small side, but includes an awesome back deck and roof area.  There's also a nice park across the street, making it a bit easier now to walk my dog.  Pics are below:




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