# :question: About My name is Brian Muller, and I'm the CTO and Co-founder of [Parallel Markets](https://parallelmarkets.com). Parallel Markets provides portable investor identity and accreditation services to make investing online easier. :newspaper: Before that, I was the VP of Data and Growth at the magazine [The Atlantic](http://theatlantic.com), and prior to that I was the Director of Data Science at [Vox Media](https://voxmedia.com). At both publications I founded, grew, and led the Data Science and Data Infrastructure teams. :chart_with_upwards_trend: Before that, I was CTO and Co-founder of [OpBandit](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/opbandit), which optimized content on major publishers' sites across 7 countries. OpBandit was [acquired by Vox Media](http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/fa3f68a0-d957-11e4-a8f1-00144feab7de.html) in April of 2015. :ticket: Prior to that, I ran the Data Science, Data Products, and Data Infrastructure teams at [LivingSocial](https://livingsocial.com) in Washington, DC. :us: Before that I worked as the the Web Director for [Foreign Policy Magazine](https://foreignpolicy.com) in Washington, DC. :microscope: Prior to that I was a research assistant in the [Center for Computational Genomics](https://ccb.jhu.edu/) at [Johns Hopkins University](https://www.jhu.edu) in Baltimore, MD. :mortar_board: Before that I was a graduate student at the [Medical University of South Carolina](https://musc.edu) in Charleston, SC where I received a MS degree in [bioinformatics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioinformatics). # :money_with_wings: Investing ## Startups A sample of some of the startups I've invested in / advised. | Name | Type | Stage | Outcome | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | | [High Snobiety](https://www.highsnobiety.com/) | Secondary | Seed | [Exit](https://www.glossy.co/fashion/highsnobiety-acquired-by-zalando-showing-the-power-of-editorial-to-drive-commerce/) :rocket: | | [Cedar](https://www.cedarai.com/) | Secondary | Seed | | | [Type Five](https://www.typefive.com) | Direct | Angel | | | [Poppy](https://www.poppyflowers.com) | Direct | Angel | | | [Big Sugar Podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/big-sugar/id1692268936) | Direct | Angel | | | [Muse](https://muse.io) | Advisory | Angel | | [@hotel](https://athotel.com/) | Advisory | Seed | | [Aug X Labs](https://augxlabs.com/) | Advisory | Angel | ## Funds In addition to supporting [Black Jays Investments](https://blackjays.vc) previously as a Principal, I've also invested in these funds: * [Treble](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/treble-415d) * [Generalist Capital](https://www.generalist.com/briefing/generalist-capital)