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Simple Example Explained

A full description of the simple example is given here.

Database Connections

PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite are supported. You must set the static variable Sar_Dbi::dbi in the namespace where you are using StactiveRecord. This is done using the makeStorage static function. The single string argument has the configuration:


scheme is one of posgres, mysql, or sqlite. The easiest way to start playing is to just use a database in memory using sqlite with the following option:

Sar_Dbi * Sar_Dbi::dbi = Sar_Dbi::makeStorage("sqlite://:memory:");

There is an alternative second parameter which specifies a table name prefix. This can be used if you only have one database and want to single the Stactive Record tables out from the rest.

// All tables used by Stactive Record will beging with "stactive_record_"
Sar_Dbi * Sar_Dbi::dbi = Sar_Dbi::makeStorage("postgres://user:password@localhost/myonlydatabase", "stactive_record_");

Object Relationship Examples


Queries are represented by Q objects and can be chained using the binary operators && and || (for AND and OR, respectively). They are constructed with the name of a property and a description of what values/value ranges you’re looking for (with the exception of hasobject, as described later). For example,

(Q("age", between(18, 20)) || Q("age", between(22, 30))) && Q("name", "Cool Hand Luke")

would signify that you’re looking for an object with with an age between 18 and 20, or between 22 and 30 AND with a name of Cool Hand Luke. Q objects are passed to your Record object’s find method which returns and !ObjGroup (a vector with some special additional methods). For example:

 ObjGroup<Person> people = Person::find(Q("age", between(40, 100)) && Q("fullname", startswith("Robert")));

In the case that you’re looking for a object that has a certain relation, you would use:

// Assuming that *address* is an instance of a class **Address** and that some people have the same address set
ObjGroup<Person> people = Person::find(Q(hasobject(address)));

The following value descriptions are available:

In addition, each of these can be negated:

You can take a look at the queries example file for more examples (this file is included in the examples directory).